Club of the Year criteria

Is your club the Utah Club of the Year?

Each year, this prestigious award is given at District Conference. This year, District Conference is May 12-14, 2022 at the Utah Cultural Celebration Center.

Club presidents, if your club wishes to be considered, this email outlines the criteria.

Please send me the following information by May 1, 2022(I’ll remind you ???? )

1. Please confirm your club is well on its way to achieving the Rotary Citation, achieving 13 self-selected goals in Rotary Club Central (RCC) at

    • I can see the goals you’ve set and the ones you’ve marked as achieved in RCC, even though meeting membership goals are verified by Rotary International (RI) after July 1.

2. Please email me a brief narrative (no more than one page) explaining how your club has achieved in the following areas of the RI Action Plan and our District Strategic Plan.

    • These are the same areas discussed at Club Cluster Assemblies Fall 2021.
    • Be specific in your examples.


  • Your club has engaged in impactful service projects with measurable outcomes determined by community needs.
  • Your club has increased giving to The Rotary Foundation (TRF) either by member contributions directly to TRF or through the Match Point Fundraiser.


  • Your club partners with community organizations and/or other clubs to increase service impact.
  • Your club may have participated in the Governor’s Collaborative Grant projects and/or the Each One Bring One events.
  • Your club has an active public image presence in social and/or local media.


  • Your club participated in the Club Cluster Assemblies Fall 2021 and/or the Club Visioning exercise.
  • Your club surveyed members on their satisfaction with their Rotary experience and acted in response.


  • Your club has done something different this Rotary Year to attract potential new members.
  • Your club has members attending and has partially sponsored young professionals to District Conference, a professional development and leadership focused event. More info when registration opens.

I hope this email is helpful in your planning, not only to be considered for the Club of the Year award, but also in impacting your community through service, expanding your club’s reach, engaging your members, and innovating to attract new members.

Judy Zone, 2021-22 Utah Rotary District Governor