District Conference to offer leadership & professional development programming
In partnership with Professional Education at the University of Utah, and led by the Connecting Generations club, the May 12-14, 2022 District Conference will appeal to Rotarians and young professionals not yet familiar with Rotary.
All will receive a digital certificate of attendance at this professional development Conference featuring workshops in conflict resolution, managing generational diversity, discovering & addressing implicit bias, building teams of trust, collaboration & results – and much more including all the Rotary programming you love! The House of Friendship will feature outstanding collaborative club service. Saturday afternoon service projects will assist veterans, victims of domestic violence, and those afflicted with food insecurity.
Partial sponsorships available:
- I’m asking each club to support this membership event: Send at least one Rotarian per 10 club members AND sponsor one young professional per 10 members who is a potential member. Friday/Saturday: $160. It’s up to each club but consider $100 sponsorships for potential members under 40 years of age, making the cost of the Conference $60 for young professionals new to Rotary.
Young professionals should contact the Rotary club in their area.
- Connecting Generations club recruitment: Members of this young professionals club will be recruiting their friends, colleagues, university and college alumni, professional & recreational group members to attend. There are 60 $100 sponsorships available, making the cost of Friday & Saturday Conference $60.
Contact club president Sadie Maas for more information.
- Rotaractors: Up to 50 members of Utah Rotaract clubs and their friends who are potential members can be sponsored at the $100 level, making the cost of Friday & Saturday Conference $60.
Contact Justin Powell, Utah Rotary Rotaract Chair or Paul Cardon, District Rotaract Representative.
Thursday night Rotary Foundation Dinner is $50, an opportunity to celebrate the all the good The Rotary Foundation does here and abroad.
Register for District Conference by clicking here.
Judy Zone
District Governor 2021-2022