7th Area of Focus

“Plant more trees … go to www.Ifixtheplanet.org and create a 70-second video … and develop a Global Grant designed to protect the environment,” said PRIP Ian Riseley from his home in Australia.  Hosted by the Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG) the mid-day Zoom call found more than 200 Rotarians from around the world online looking for more information on Rotary International’s recently announced 7th Area of Focus.

The keynote speaker enthusiastically shared the news of millions of trees planted around the world – “many times the 1.2 million trees we expected in our ‘one for every Rotarian’ challenge” – as he announced the particulars relating to RI’s newest area of focus, including the opportunity to apply for Global Grants for the purpose of:

  • Protecting and restoring land, coastal, marine and freshwater resources 
  • Enhancing the capacity of communities to support natural resource management and conservation
  • Supporting sustainable agriculture, fishing and aquaculture practices
  • Addressing the cause of climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Strengthening ecosystems and communities affected by climate change
  • Supporting education initiatives promoting behavior which protects the environment
  • Advocating for sustainable consumption to build an economy which uses resources more efficiently
  • Addressing environmental justice issues and public health concerns

Global grant funding will become available after July 1, 2021 but must only fund projects with long term sustainability.  One-time only projects are not eligible for such funding.  

“How do we respond to those who see protecting the environment as a political issue?” the RI leader asked.  “My response is always to remind them protecting the environment must be everyone’s concern.”

For those who may wish to donate specifically to this cause, donations can be sent to RI with “7th Area of Focus” in the memo line.

For more information and to download the #7 Area of Focus, see www.rotary.org.