A Proven Outreach to the Community: Banners

A proven outreach to the community: We have twenty banners hanging along Main Street for several weeks, twice a year. These banner reach 36,000 drivers per day!

Logan’s Main Street is a very busy place – several groups use Logan City’s permanent banner poles to advertise throughout the year. Whether on foot or wheels, you may see Cache Center for the Arts advertising upcoming shows at the Ellen Eccles Theater; Utah State University welcoming students and announcing homecoming events; and yes, even the Logan Rotary Club stating a viable presence in the Cache Valley community! It’s a great reminder to local residents, visitors, and potential members— Rotary Club of Logan is here “Doing Good in the Community and in the World!” With over 100 years of local and international service, our Logan Rotary club has served our valley in many ways, including:

  • Planting 100 trees in celebration of the club’s 100 years in Logan.
  • Awarded over $150,000 in scholarships to students attending USU and Bridgerland  Technical College.
  • Given a dictionary to more than 40,000 third graders in Cache and Rich Counties since 2004 at a cost of $65,000.
  • Built the bridge at First Dam.
  • Arranged and delivered 3 Cache Valley used ambulances, filled with medical supplies, to Agua Prieta, Mexico.
  • Cleaned up 2 miles of highway in Logan Canyon twice a year.
  • Built the Rotary Pavilion in Willow Park.
  • Built the Gazebo in Garff Garden and cleaned up the garden twice a year.
  • Financed with a Rotary International Global Grant the building of 23 bathrooms in Ecuador schools.
  • Provided clean water systems in 3 Peruvian villages on the Amazon River and financed the building of miles of concrete walkways.
  • Delivered 100+ propane cookers to Panama schools
  • Supported Rotary International’s PolioPlus campaign.
  • Supported Youthlinc students doing service in Peru, Kenya, Nepal and Vietnam.
  • Traveled and worked with USU Rotaract students in the building of housing for disabled families in Agua Prieta, Mexico.
  • Installed an Aquaponic System in 4 villages in Guanajuato, Mexico.
  • Founded the Cache Valley Humanitarian Center with Logan’s Rotary Noon Club.

….The list goes on!