Club Visioning and Strategic Planning: Cedar City Rotary is the first to the finish line!

Club Visioning and Strategic Planning: Cedar City Rotary is the first to the finish line!


2021-2022 Utah Rotary District Governor Elect Judy Zone will be asking all clubs to complete their visioning and strategic planning using this document before their Club Cluster Assembly this Fall.

Club Presidents for this Rotary Year: get a jump on scheduling your board meeting for this purpose or, if your club is small, a whole club session.  Your board will bring the goals developed to your Club Cluster Assembly to share with other club boards, learning from each other and building better relationships between our clubs.

Cedar City Rotary Club President 2021-2022 Miriam Keener has already completed the club visioning and she has this to report:

The workshop was a huge success in many respects. All of the key stakeholders were together to watch a video from Rotary International’s President 2021-2022 Shekar Mehta. Members learned about RI’s Action Plan and strategic priorities, and reviewed the results of a club member survey regarding the club’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges.

Some Rotarians had never been exposed to this kind of workshop, so it was a great learning experience.  I believe the participants left with an understanding that, without goals, there is no roadmap for the club, its committees, and its members.  They were able to participate in goal setting, so hopefully there will be committee and personal buy-in to reach or exceed those goals.  And I believe they understand the value of “team” and each person’s role in working with other stakeholders and with their committees.

In summary, the workshop was invaluable!  The goals that were developed in a team environment will stretch the club’s performance and impact in each of the strategic priorities.

And here’s a comment from a Rotarian participant:

“I think our Rotary Planning Workshop was exceptional.  It allowed us to step aside and work towards continually improving what our club does well, and make plans and set goals to overcome weaknesses.  Often a club’s shortfalls aren’t difficult to find, but addressing them and taking real action never comes to pass.  Due to this planning session and subsequent enthusiasm to improve, I think this event can bring real change to a club doing very well, but always looking to do better.”

For more information about how Cedar City Rotary Club ran their visioning, contact Miriam Keener [email protected]