New Years Resolutions for Rotaract 2020

Dear Rotarians,

As we both reflect on this past 2019 year, the accomplishments of our District Rotaract where phenomenal.

In January, a historical move brought the Dixie Sunrise and the St.George clubs together to revive the Rotaract Charter. In May, Brent Parkin and the Ogden Rotary Club revived the Rotaract Community Club of Ogden charter. This November, the Tooele Rotary club sponsored the Tooele Rotaract. Rotaractor attendance to Big West Institute, Big West (International – Canada) and Zone Institute increased thanks to the support of Rotary clubs and our District Governor, John Hanrahan who continues the legacy of  Rotaractors to Rotary a District priority.

Our resolutions include a commitment to you, your clubs and Rotaractors from me your District Rotaract Chair and Stephanie our District Rotaract Representative. She has been working with new Rotaract Presidents and Rotary clubs assisting them in gaining more knowledge about Rotary and Rotaract.

In May, at the District Conference, I relayed to you that in April, the landmark decision of the Council on Legislation was made to Elevate Rotaract. The 2019 Council on Legislation passed enactment 19-72 to acknowledge Rotaract clubs in the RI Constitution and Bylaws and ELEVATE them as an important member of the Rotary family. Rotaract clubs will continue to have their own standard constitution but will have greater support from RI. In the next issues of our District newsletter, I commit to provide you a better understanding of how this broadening of the definition of membership in RI to include Rotaract clubs will benefit our organization.

We need to reframe our thinking of Rotaractors as Interactors or “kids” if we are to move forward in this change RI is asking us to implement and help them see what RI is asking of them as future Rotarians. Key Board Decisions related to Rotaract from the October 2019 meeting will take effect July 2020 which include the understanding that 1) Rotaract is more than just a program. 2)The upper age limit for Rotaract membership is removed. Stephanie and I commit to working with the District on the transition of these changes. You can find “Recent Rotaract policy updates” and “Frequently asked questions about 2019 Council on Legislation changes to Rotaract” in My Rotary.


With Appreciation!

Stephanie Velasco – District Rotaract Representative and Martha Velasco-District Rotaract Chair