Uwe (pronounced “oova”) Shaun Michel was recognized during District 5420’s recent conference with the RI “Service Above Self” award, Rotary International’s highest and most prestigious honor. Only 1 in each district to an annual worldwide total of 150 is recognized and each must have demonstrated exemplary humanitarian service, in any form and at any level, with emphasis on personal volunteer efforts and active involvement in helping others through Rotary.


Past District Governor Shaun has successfully worked in real estate sales, building and development since 1973; is a naturalized US citizen born in Germany; a family-oriented husband, father and grandfather; best friend to many; and, a backyard gardener who shares most of his produce with neighbors, friends and those in need.  But he is also a philanthropist through his family-held non-profit foundation and the epitome of “service above self” in every aspect of his life.


In the years since he served as Governor in RY2016-17, he has spent many hours setting up D5420’s 501(c)(3) non-profit Youth Foundation and developing a process for the district’s youth programs to apply for funds.


He has sponsored numerous Interactors and Rotaractors on several district service trips to Mexico as well as to the Hopi Indian Reservation near Tuba City, AZ.


During the 2020-21 COVID pandemic, he collected – from supportive neighbors, friends, family members and business acquaintances – and delivered more than 15,000 pounds of food and supplies for tribal communities, disproportionately affected by the coronavirus.  In addition, he purchased, out of his own pocket, 25 tents to be used to isolate those on the reservation who had tested positive for the virus.


Other service by this generous Rotarian includes raising the last $10,000 needed to complete the South Jordan community’s Field of Dreams All-abilities park; and, purchasing Rotary-branded face masks for every Rotarian in the district, as well as new members as they are inducted.