The RLI is a leadership and development program to strengthen Rotary Clubs and prepare Rotarians for leadership. This is accomplished through education, collaboration and exchanged of ideas among class participants. It is for new Rotarians, experienced Rotarians, and Rotarians in leadership positions or being groomed for future leadership positions. The three (3) part curriculum is facilitated by experienced and training faculty members who engage participants through open discussion, problem solving and creative role-play. Interested Rotarians must pre-register to be selected to attend. The fee for each course taught virtually by ZOOM meeting is $15. Many clubs pay this fee, but needs to be coordinated with the club president.The next classes are scheduled as follows: January 12/13 – Part 3 (deadline for registration is Thursday, January 7); February 2/3 – Part 1 (deadline for registration is Thursday, January 28); March 9/10 – Part 2 (deadline for registration is Thursday, March 4). The participant must attend both evenings (6:30-9:30 pm), in order to receive completion credit. Rotarians must take the training sequentially (i.e., Part 1, then Part 2, then Part 3). Upon completion of Part 3, a graduation certificate is awarded.To register, interested candidates must complete the Application Form and return to RLI District Coordinator Glade Hamilton at Please call (435) 559-6481.