Scott Rosenbush comments to Rotary Club 24
Officer Transition meeting 6/15/21
Ladies & Gentlemen –
We don’t have to go very far to hear pundits say that our country is more divided today than ever. But is it really? Rotary is the exact opposite of what those pundits are saying – for which I am grateful. Here we are – Mormons, Muslims, Bahai, Catholics and Jews; Oriental and Occidental; yes – even Democrats and Republicans. The Four Way Test makes us focus not on our differences but what unites us. It allows us to join forces with people who are different from ourselves not just in our club but with Rotarians around the world.
When I meet someone I’m not so interested in their title or their net worth. What tells me most about a person is their values. Now here’s the kicker – despite our differences – we share similar values with over 1.2 million Rotarians around the world! We are united in local and world-wide humanitarian service – and committed to a world of friendship, goodwill, tolerance, respect and concern for all peoples. No wonder we love this organization.
We are still coming out of what we hope is the worst of the virus in the US. We owe Presidents Roger Thompson and Christian Deputy our gratitude for navigating our club through the time of the virus, making good decisions, and keeping our club active and viable.
I’m hopeful that in the months ahead we can resume our many club service projects in our community and beyond. I am excited about our club’s involvement in a big, audacious Transitional Housing project for teens exiting foster care in SLC.