During RY2020-21 District Conference on Saturday, April 24, the “first ever” Phoenix Award recognized three clubs which have reinvented themselves, found positive energy, regained their focus and gained momentum in “growing Rotary,” foundation giving, enhanced public image and “bigger, better, bolder service which changes lives.”
Congratulations to the members of Valley West Rotary and to President Cheryl Harding for all the hard work all have done in RY2020-21 to “come back from the brink,” including finding new club members; recently completing a strategic plan for the club; holding the Mayor’s Veterans Memorial Museum fundraiser; applying for the Governor’s Collaborative Grant in a partnership with Midvalley Rotary; increasing awareness of Valley West Rotary through social media and other public image efforts; participating in most of the weekly /monthly online meetings with the DG (where President Diana says, “I learned a great deal”) and, adding 3 new service projects.
Congratulations to President Diana Rosenkrantz and the members of Sandy Rotary for all they have accomplished in their efforts to “rise from the ashes” including the completion of bylaws, three successful fundraisers which raised a total of $6500; receiving two district grants (1 for dictionaries and 1 to help fund internet service for home schooled students during the pandemic); already completing most of their club goals for the year; weekly updates to the website and promotion of activities on Facebook; and, organizing monthly service projects.
And, finally, congratulations to President Lisa Carr and the members of the Blanding Rotary who, with the addition of six new Rotarians, recruiting a new club president; planning for “bigger, better, bolder service” in their community through a Governor’s Collaborative Grant; and, participating in the Native American Initiative, are on their way to once again being a vibrant club.
No question it has been a challenging year, but these three clubs have shown true Rotary grit in overcoming many of their obstacles … so, take that, COVID!!!