What happens to my District & RI dues? What are District and Global Grants?

What happens to my District & RI dues? What are District and Global Grants?

District Dues – $36 per member per year (paid once annually). This amount has not been raised in 5+ years, and is very low compared to other districts, constraining the service we can provide to clubs.

What do they go for?

  • District operations and club support (DG visits, club and officer training and meetings, Rotary education, membership & visioning support, monthly newsletter, district zoom account and website, Rotary swag for club such as theme banner and pins, etc.)

RI Dues and other costs – $87 per member per year (approximately half paid twice annually in January and July)

  • Member dues are $70
  • The Rotarian magazine is $12 ($1 per issue)
  • RI general liability insurance and other misc. assessments are approximately $5 per year and paid once annually

What do they go for?

  • RI operations and club/district support (RI has paid staff in Evanston, IL that supports districts and clubs in many ways such as processing new club charters, training, RI website, liability insurance covers club service projects, etc.)

In the 2021-2022 Rotary Year, total RI and district dues are approximately $123 annually

In addition, members are asked to voluntarily contribute to The Rotary Foundation each year ($100 for Every Rotarian Every Year which goes to the Annual Fund portion of The Rotary Foundation and $42 for Polio Plus)

Although these are voluntary, many clubs invoice members along with dues and members pay what they are able.

Clubs also usually include their own operating costs in the dues they set (such as meal costs, etc.)


After 3 years, 50% of what we contribute to The Rotary Foundation comes back to the district for grants.

District grants – small grants (usually several hundred to several thousand dollars) mainly for local service projects (based on a club’s three-year giving average).

As a satellite club, you’re eligible to receive a district grant but it has to go thru sponsor club and be prioritized by them.

Global grants – minimum of $30,000 of total cost, requires an international partner (club in another country). These are great opportunities to collaborate with other clubs. District grants are too!